Friday 2 November 2012

Police Officers Implicated In Prison Truck Blast

An Undertermined number of police officers have been implicated in the Johannesburg prision truck explosion in which tree people have been declared as dead and another 15 others wounded.The Independent Police Investigative Directorate saysthat the probe  into this incident has indicated that police might have helped the prisioners escape.Just Last month an explosive detonated in yet another prision truck taking a mass of 36 awaiting -trial prisoners from the Randburg Magistrates Court to the Johannesburg Central Prision.
It was said that two prisoners had tried to escape but police hadmanged to recapture them.At the end of the day 4 suspects were arrested over the incident .A joint investigation of the IPID has undercovered that some police officers may be implicated due to the smugglingof explosivesand arrests are 'probable'.
Following the blast that took place nine prisoners were escorted back to Johannesburg Central Prision after being treated for their injuries that they had encountered during the explosion in the truck.Police said that five men who were in the vchicle at the time of the incident are still in hospital and one is still in a critical condition.Congress Of The People better known as COPE ,spokesperson On Correctional Services Dennis Bloem has called for an independent investigation into the explosion.
Bloem said " This incident is totally unexceptable " and COPE is calling for an inquiry into this situation.either by a Magistrates or a senior council because Correctional Services and Police can't be trusted.Bloem also said that people have died in the incident and the case should be treated as a serious mater and not as if nothing had happened.
Friday-2nd Of Novemember

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